The team
Our team consists of creative, highly qualified, motivated, dedicated employees, both in Germany and in nearly 10 other countries. The results of our teamwork are high quality and good and equal communication for the benefit of our customers as well as our applicants.

Creativity is the ticket to the future. Your ticket to the future is ready. Your Pro Select team will make sure of it.
The core team in Germany
Our main location is in Gaiberg, near Heidelberg, in the beautiful state of Baden-Württemberg. Here you will meet our core team.

Sabine Faller
Sabine Faller
Founder and Managing Director
Sabine Faller has been working in personnel consulting, personnel development and personnel management since 2005.
Her focus is on advising companies and service providers, both in the areas of personnel management and strategic personnel development, as well as personnel recruitment. In practical workshops and training sessions, Ms. Faller implements company-specific personnel concepts for employees at the organizational levels concerned. She focuses on the following topics: communication, mediation, team development, dealing with customers, as well as management development and intercultural communication at home and abroad. As a special method of personnel development, Ms. Faller uses coaching for personal development and solution focus. This is offered for teams as well as for individual employees and managers. In the area of professional development, Ms. Faller leads numerous courses at various educational institutions on the subjects of personnel management, personnel development and personnel management with a certificate.
The use of advice, training and coaching guarantees sustainability in the implementation of the issues for the employees and ensures individual problem solutions. Thanks to her additional experience as a human resources manager in a medium-sized company, Ms. Faller combines both her knowledge from teaching and the operational implementation in personnel management. In the area of recruiting specialists and executives, Ms. Faller supports applicants and customers in order to successfully create win-win situations. The focus here is particularly on the placement of international medical specialists for the health sector. In doing this, she benefits from her own 4-year stay abroad. The importance of professional human resource management and employee loyalty play a special role in this.
Dipl. adult educator (university of applied sciences)
Advanced training as a trainer (IHK)
Advanced training in personnel management (IHK)
Advanced training as a human resources specialist (IHK)
Advanced training as a certified systemic coach (ADG)
Letter of reference from IHK-Zentrum für Weiterbildung GmbH, Heilbronn

Tsiala Miccoli
HR manager
Tsiala Miccoli
Kauffrau für Büromanagement (HR-Managerin )
Tsiala Miccoli has been a member of the Pro Select core team since October 2019. Her work focuses on the administration and the first review of the application documents of the candidates, as well as the administration and communication between candidates, personnel consultants and regional councils. In addition, she works as a personnel consultant for Georgia.
- Former student of economics at the State University - Gori, Georgia
- Former law student at the University of Heidelberg
- Management Assistant for Office Management - Julius-Springer-Schule Heidelberg
Main topics
- Management of the application documents
- Administration of individual candidate processes
- Processing
- Handling of recognition procedures (communication with the regional councils)

Albano Kokoli
HR manager
Albano Kokoli
HR manager
Albano Kokoli has been a member of the Pro Select core team since October 2022. His work focuses on administration and sales. He is often the one our new candidates introduce themselves to via Skype video transmission. Among other things, Mr. Kokoli communicates daily by e-mail and over the phone with our candidates, clients, personnel consultants from the Employment Agency and various government authorities in Germany.
- Technical college entrance qualification from the Helene Weber vocational college in Paderborn, Baden-Württemberg with a focus on health and social work
- former Student in the field of medical technology at the Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences
- Trained businessman in retail at the Max-Hachenburg School in Mannheim
- branch manager in retail
Main topics
- Distribution
- Processing
- Administration of individual candidate processes
- Organization and conduct of job interviews in Microsoft Teams

Bernhard Fellhauer
Bernhard Fellhauer
Retired high school teacher
Mr. Fellhauer has been part of the Pro Select team as a freelancer since 2019.
His task is to give our candidates an initial orientation immediately after their arrival in Germany and to familiarize them with their still unfamiliar environment. Mr. Fellhauer receives the "newcomers" upon their arrival in Germany and accompanies them to their clinic. Here, they are given their apartment, their first spatial orientation at the clinic, and are given the most important contacts regarding their upcoming employment. In the first days after their arrival, Mr. Fellhauer carries out the relocation at the new place of residence with the respective candidate. This includes:
- the explanation of important regulations under aliens law for obtaining the right of residence
- accompaniment to the citizens' or foreigners' office at the new place of residence
- opening an account at a local bank
- the establishment of a mobile connection with a German provider
This assistance and a great deal of practical advice ensure that the clinic's new employees can immerse themselves in their new professional environment from the very beginning, unbiased and free of initial organizational stresses.

Katerina Stojanovska
Katerina Stojanovska
Bachelor - „International Business Management“
Katerina Stojanovska ist Mitglied im Pro Select Kernteam. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte für Pro Select erstrecken sich über die Bearbeitung der Antragsunterlagen zur behördlichen Anerkennung als Fachkraft im Gesundheitswesen, sowie der Administration und Kommunikation zwischen Kandidaten und Personalberatern. Zusätzlich engagiert sie sich für den Bereich Online-Marketing (u.A. Verwaltung sozialer Netzwerke) , organisiert und führt Vorstellungsgespräche und unterstützt im Bereich Backoffice.
- Former student of business high school with completed high school diploma in Kochani, North Macedonia
- Studium des International Business Managements Studiengangs der HFU in Villingen-Schwenningen
Main topics
- Supervision, training and support of personnel
- Processing of recognition documents
- Apply knowledge of communication techniques to customer processes.
- Organisation und Führen von Vorstellungsgesprächen
- Back office and marketing
- Online-Marketing

Your international personnel consultants
In your home country Pro Select provides you with competent personnel consultants for all questions. We advise and accompany you as a healthcare professional on your way to Germany.
Your friendly human resources consultant will show you the individual steps towards recognition by the German authorities and will accompany you personally and quickly on your way to Germany.

Lasha Martashvili
Personalberater für Georgien
Lasha Martashvili
Personalmanagement in öffentlichen Einrichtungen
Lasha Martashvili ist seit Oktober 2023 Mitglied des Pro Select-Teams als Personalberater in Georgien und den GUS-Staaten (Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten). Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte reichen von der Kommunikation über das Finden und Verwalten potenzieller Kandidaten für die Medizinbranche bis hin zum Marketing für Pro Select in Georgien und den postsowjetischen Ländern. Er nimmt an den Interviews mit unseren neuen Kandidaten über Microsoft Teams teil. Unter anderem kommuniziert er täglich per E-Mail und Telefon mit unseren Kandidaten und berät sie beim Ausfüllen der Dokumente für das Anerkennungsverfahren in Deutschland.
- Abschluss an der Georgischen Technischen Universität Tiflis
Bachelor of Pubic Administration- Spezialisierung: Personalmanagement in öffentlichen Einrichtungen Georgiens
- Masterabschluss in öffentlicher Verwaltung vom Georgien
American Institute of Public Affairs
Main topics
- Vorauswahl, Rekrutierung und Beratung unserer Kandidaten
- Organisation von Online-Interviews der Kandidaten mit dem Pro Select Kernteam und mit unseren Kunden
- Zusammenstellung und Weiterleitung der persönlichen Unterlagen unserer Kandidaten gemäß den Anforderungen der deutschen Behörden zur beruflichen Anerkennung in Deutschland
- Begleitung des Sprachtrainings der Kandidaten auf dem Niveau B2 in der deutschen Sprache
- Verwaltung der Bewerberdatenbank aus Georgien und den GUS-Staaten
„Mein Lebenscredo ist es, mich für meine Aufgaben zu engagieren und ein hohes Maß an Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern und Arbeitssuchenden zu erreichen. Es ermöglicht mir, Kandidaten aus Georgien und den postsowjetischen Ländern zu helfen, in Deutschland Arbeit zu finden.“

Marjanco Stoilov
Personalberater für Nordmazedonien, Bosnien & Herzegowina und Tunesien
Marjanco Stoilov
Diploma teacher of German language and literature
Marjanco Stoilov ist seit Oktober 2017 im Team von Pro Select. Er ist Personalberater für Nordmazedonien, Bosnien & Herzegowina und Tunesien. Er ist derjenige, dem sich unsere neuen Kandidaten aus Nordmazedonien, Bosnien & Herzegowina und Tunesien über das Telefon, E-Mail, Microsoft Teams, Viber, WhatsApp und Facebook vorstellen. Unter Anderem verständigt er sich täglich per E-Mail und über das Telefon mit unseren Kandidaten und dem Pro Select Kernteam. Er bildet hierbei ein wichtiges Bindeglied zwischen Mazedonien und Deutschland.
- German Studies at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Philology Blazhe Koneski-Skopje, Macedonia
- Court translator for German and Macedonian
Main topics
- Pre-selection, recruiting and consulting of our candidates
- Marketing Pro Select to candidates in the area of responsibility.
- Organization and interpretation during Skype job interviews
- Compilation and forwarding of personal documents of our candidates according to specifications of German governmental authorities for professional recognition in Germany
- Review and court translation of the documents for recognition
- Accompanying the language training of candidates to level B2 of the German language
- Data management within your own candidate base
- Processing in cooperation with the PRO SELECT core team
- Supervision of candidates in Macedonia until they get a visa and then in Germany until they are recognized and whenever they need help

Linda Gerxhaliu
Linda Gerxhaliu
Business Management & Marketing - Masters
Linda Gerxhaliu has been a member of the Pro Select team since September 2019 as a recruitment consultant in the Kosovo, Albania and Kosovo area. Her main areas of work range from communication, finding and managing potential medical industry candidates to marketing for Pro Select in Kosovo and Albania. She attends job interviews in Germany with our new candidates via Microsoft Teams. Among other things, she communicates daily with our candidates via email and telephone and passes on advice on how to fill in the diploma documents for the recognition process in Germany by the Pro Select core team.
- Graduated from the University of Pristina - Kosovo, Bachelor of Economics, Department of Economics
- Degree in Master in "Business Management and Marketing" from AAB University - Pristina, Kosovo
Main topics
- Pre-selection, recruiting and consulting of our candidates
- Marketing Pro Select to candidates in the area of responsibility.
- Organisation von Vorstellungsgesprächen von Kandidaten mit dem Pro Select Kernteam und mit unseren Kunden
- Compilation and forwarding of personal documents of our candidates according to specifications of German governmental authorities for professional recognition in Germany
- Accompanying the language training of candidates to level B2 of the German language
- Data management within your own candidate base
- Processing in cooperation with the Pro Select core team
"Loyalty, cooperation and commitment to potential candidates are my main work characteristics. This has resulted in many candidates being employed in German healthcare institutions for years."

Daniel Fabris
HR consultant for Morocco
Daniel Fabris
Management consultant, startup coach and German teacher
Daniel Fabbris has been part of the Pro Select team since June 2022 as a recruitment consultant for Morocco. He is responsible for advising our candidates, as well as for daily correspondence via phone, email, WhatsApp and Facebook. He makes sure that our candidates have the necessary support at all times, both in Morocco and in Germany.
- Studied business psychology in 2009
- Management consultant certification (BAFA, funding, startup, ISO 9001) 2016
- German teacher in Morocco since 2020
- Independent entrepreneur, coach and consultant since 2016
Main topics
- Vorauswahl, Recruiting und Beratung von Kandidaten
- Marketing Pro Select to candidates in the area of responsibility.
- Organisation für die erste Vorstellungsgesprächen
- Compilation and forwarding of personal documents of our candidates according to specifications of German governmental authorities for professional recognition in Germany
- Accompanying the language training of candidates to level B2 of the German language
- Data management within your own candidate base
- Sachbearbeitung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Pro Select-Kernteam
- Supporting the candidates in Morocco until they get a visa and then in Germany until they receive recognition

Sina Kunz-Blagiu
Human resources consultant for Tunisia
Sina Kunz Blagui
State-approved curative education nurse
Sina Kunz-Blagui has been a member of the Pro Select team since July 2022 as a recruitment consultant for Tunisia. Her main areas of work range from communication, finding and managing potential medical industry candidates to marketing for Pro Select in Tunisia. She attends interviews with our new candidates via Microsoft Teams in Germany. Among other things, she communicates daily with our candidates via email and telephone and passes on advice on how to fill in the diploma documents for the recognition process in Germany by the Pro Select core team.
- Training as a state-approved curative education nurse from 2003 - 2007
- 2007 - 2014 worked as a curative education nurse, then 3 years of parental leave
- Emigrated to Tunisia in 2017 and has been self-employed ever since
Main topics
- Pre-selection, recruiting and consulting of our candidates
- Marketing Pro Select to candidates in the area of responsibility.
- Organizing candidate interviews in Microsoft Teams with the Pro Select core team and with our clients
- Compilation and forwarding of personal documents of our candidates according to specifications of German governmental authorities for professional recognition in Germany
- Accompanying the language training of candidates to level B2 of the German language
- Data management within your own candidate base
- Processing in cooperation with the Pro Select core team